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Financial Aid

FRA Financial Aid

Flint River Academy seeks to create a challenging and supportive learning environment that encourages high expectations for success and academic excellence through development of the mind, body, and spirit.


We understand the financial commitment that a family makes when they choose private education. A limited amount of financial assistance is available for qualifying applicants as long as funds are available. Financial Aid recommendations are made by FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment, an independent company which provides us with a confidential financial needs report. This report assists the Scholarship Committee in determining the amount of tuition assistance granted.


Most of the financial aid available to students is provided through donations to Apogee, one of the Student Scholarship Organizations approved by the State of Georgia. Through this program, Georgia taxpayers can redirect a portion of their Georgia Income Tax dollars to eligible Georgia private schools.


Our desire is to have financial aid available to all families with financial need. Flint River Academy welcomes donations of any amount to our unrestricted scholarship fund. Your gift would be tax deductible and make a tremendous impact on a student’s life.

  1. A completed student enrollment agreement and application fee must be submitted to the Finance Office prior to submitting an application for financial aid.

  2. Applicants must complete the FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment form available at: One form per family must be submitted. Additional information is available from the Finance Office.

  3. Financial Aid applications must be submitted to FACTS with the supporting documentation required no later than April 15. Applications can be submitted to FACTS after that date, but the majority of funds are awarded in the spring.

  4. The Flint River Academy Scholarship Committee will evaluate the financial need and the amount of aid to be awarded to all verified applications received from FACTS.

  5. Applicants who are awarded financial aid or applicants who are denied financial aid will be notified in writing by the Head of School following the Scholarship Committee recommendation.


Tuition assistance is awarded based on financial need and the availability of funds. The completion of the financial assistance application is not a binding agreement that assistance is available or will be granted. Applicants who receive financial aid must apply for financial aid each year.


11556 E. Highway 85

Woodbury, GA 30293, USA

Tel: (706) 553-2541

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